Active Roster



IT  Overview 

The VO_Main database is https with a local application (.net) which is installed on each local PC (WOS) and a web based app (html) called VOiSite (online access) set up for each customer. 

AWS providing their cloud infrastructure and services to Visual Outcomes. Visual Outcomes sets a cloud hosted database installed and configured for each customer,  there is a customer datafile storage and business related services as agreed with each customer; all installed securely on AWS.

Visual Outcomes cloud services provide full maintenance, from back-ups db optimization and performance checks to upgrades. 

Visual Outcomes  cloud services host the customer's database and related files.

Visual Outcomes cloud provides excellent remote support with  speedy responses for our

Visual Outcomes healthcare data management platform

Visual Outcomes is built in a Microsoft .Net environment, and runs on Windows system WOS.

Macs and Visual Outcomes 

Experience to date (2025)  with Macs' Windows Parallel software (as is suggested for Mac users), is not good.

The use of MacBook and any suggested parallels adjusting software for installing Windows software is not supported by Visual Outcomes.

Internet access, local device hardware specifications and other Customer Requirements

Visual Outcomes (VO)


January 2025 updated*** 

Visual Outcomes requires an up to date Windows operating system (WOS) on every local device accessing VO in the cloud

A Windows operating system (WOS) has minimum requirements. These are the baseline for effective installation and running of Visual Outcomes on each local device; MUST be managed and maintained locally.

Local devices are to be in good shape (as in being "up to date") for the Visual Outcomes application to be installed, running well  and updated as required. A shared document 'Visual Outcomes Customer Local Device Registry' is maintained for this purpose.  


Internet must be optimal Each local user to be able to directly access Visual Outcomes software and services on VO.AWS cloud based services (via internet or a "dongle" when needed).

Each of the local PCs/laptops/tablets have application installed locally.

And each access via the internet the organizations database and all services in AWS cloud hosted environment of Visual Outcomes.

Optimal Bandwidth Internet Connection for users 

Internet access back up plan for unexpected drop-outs

(have back-up such as smartphone as a ‘hot spot’ or get extra access as Plan B; have access to internet via a ‘dongle’)


Alternative internet access for emergency

Be able to access internet from another internet set up provider. Establish as the business back up plan.

(alternative internet provider “dongle” name and password ready for users to know to hook up to if needed).

Temporary local data collection

Visual Outcomes can provides a custom"offline" service.

A local data capture for larger organizations as part of their ‘back up plan’. This can be requested and tailored for core data input required by a larger organization ( whereas a small clinic may resort to a paper based form for the few hours in the event of internet outages.

(send a custom inquiry to

Local client machines

PCs/laptops/tablets running the Visual Outcome application


Requirements for local devices 

 Windows operating system – Windows 10 or higher

For client machines accessing Visual Outcomes:

i. Processor i7 or higher

ii. 5GB memory (RAM)

iii. Windows operating system (WOS)  10 or higher

- WOS requirements kept up to date by customer locally

iv. .Net 4.6.5 or above framework  kept up to date on all local client machines that have Visual Outcomes application installed.

v. SSD for the operating system (C:drive) with no less than 20GB free space

vi. Latest internet browser version is kept up to date (Microsoft Edge) 

vi. Anti-virus software is installed on every local device with Visual Outcomes installed; MS Firewall/Windows Defender installed as the baseline. The customer must "White List" (add visualoutcomes.exe to exceptions)Visual Outcomes in their Anti-virus and maintain that "white listing" on all updates of their anti-virus.

Other requirements

    1. Remote access to local PC for user assistance

The Latest software for remote access is set up by the customer; used for remote access by the Visual Outcomes help desk team to assist users in their local environments. 

This software is installed on all local devices as needed by a customer for Visual Outcomes local support and remote assistance on request.

Customers standardly have installed "Team Viewer"; have downloaded for this purpose; always check security on these downloads to your local PCs. 

 Screen sizes for best user experience

1.  Reception/front desk and admin use 26” (wide) 

2. -Appointments Arrival Screen 42 -50" on wall near DRs area and/or the reception area

3. Client Kiosk/ used for Self-arrival: clients own smartphone, or use a clinic iPad /laptop set up  

4.  Clinicians  use 15-17” laptops/PCs

    - can have touch & folding screen (mobile Dr ) 

5.  Clinicians use 12” tablet screen (short consultations)

Other option 

VOiSite  mobile clinician work

Personal smartphones are used by Clinicians on request

  - request a set-up of "Mobile Clinician" VOGo

  - some clinical areas on Smart Phone for clinicians

(send custom request for this feature to


Other comments 

  1. All front desk and admin and business office operators best to have larger monitor or multiple monitors. Visual Outcomes has many windows, and these users will often have several areas open and in use. 

  1. Best practice is a min of 15” screen size  for a laptop

  1. Reception desk to use widescreen format (26” min/ 2  or more monitors set up for front desk staff)


  The lowest is set to 1024/768 AND higher the better for users

  1. Clinician users like a bigger screen WHEN AT THEIR CONSULTING DESK

Local Device Protocols

User Access Controls

Data Access Security

Protection of Customer Data (personal health information


Other Requirements

Our world is increasingly aware of cybersecurity risks and the need for us to all protect the health information and personal data that is the domain of healthcare sphere of clinical and business operations.

Working together is the answer.


A shared responsibility model will increase the impact of all the measures maintained across the team. AWS VO and each customer will together minimize the increasing risks of cyber crime and data breaches and data loss events. The intensity of innovative criminal intent in the areas of cyber threat is only increasing around the world. And if healthcare data stays as a lucrative commodity for these criminals, there is to be a 'shared' dynamic vigilance to avoid unauthorized access. In fact, it is only when all are working as a team that this is possible. From Government cyber policies and protocols to any cloud system providers such as AWS, to our own vigilance as Visual Outcomes and the same level of vigilance by each of our customers that there are less and less "attack surfaces" for these criminals/ user mistakes.

Visual Outcomes and each customer are best to work as a team of aware and communicative partners; informing each other as to security risks seen or “security incident notes” being shared.

People as "users of the internet” in this new world of evolving cyber criminals and ever-changing cyber crime tactics, are seen as vulnerability points or potential data attack points. 

This new world of data security risk, requires a shared responsibility. 

This is not just a set of IT measures but must be a 'shared' and dynamic vigilance for all users of Visual Outcomes.  This will include 'best practices' shared with our customers. And we welcome their sharing of their own user education as to data protection. This includes a customer local device hardware and software maintenance list: Local Device Registry. This is reviewed before a new local device installation and before updates of Visual Outcomes.

The Device Registry worksheet is available for each customer and when requesting a new installation; for their checking in of the new device. 

Kept up to date by each customer as to local device specifications and related requirements; is sent to the customer when requesting a new installation on a local device and the installation package then sent.

Of course, the size and type of healthcare organization using Visual Outcomes may add more of their own resource allocations as to additional methods of risk management. We are encouraging of these additional risk management approaches; holding to a view of this as active or dynamic vigilance with great respect.  

 Visual Outcome operates with a "shared responsibility" model in place as to this fight against unauthorized access to personal health information PHI and other critical data / sensitive customer data.

There are responsibilities Visual Outcomes must "share" with AWS; as the infrastructure and services set up they provision for Visual Outcomes. Visual Outcomes is responsible for services that we provide for our customers, and we share a dynamic attitude of managing data loss risks with AWS as to customer data security in these cloud services. Then there is a "shared responsibility" with customers; work as a team with the customer holding to a standard of data protection vigilance in their user practices, protocols and IT set up/network security management; this is to give the best protection of customer data as to access via local devices.  

Customers best practices in user protocols to date:

Be responsible to lead and educate their users as to cybersecurity risk management behaviors e.g. deleting suspicious emails, social media scams, phishing emails and not opening attachments.

Enforce a protocol as to user password change management; all ‘local device users’ accessing VO application to be compliant. 

Customer user are to not share passwords across users; unique ID as audit trails compromised e.g. security incidents and business audits.

A Customer is to have current practices and insurance policies to mitigate events of unauthorized access.

If likelihood that activities of any user on local devices  has resulted in “criminal intent” injection or such on that PC; is reported as a security incident to management/Visual Outcomes.

Customer is to ensure all operating systems across local devices with Visual Outcomes installed are embedded with firewalls and adequate anti-virus protection software; maintain up to date a commercially licensed separate firewall or anti-virus protection software. Customer must maintain "Whitelisting of Visual Outcomes" on all upgrades.

Customer is to be prepared with a software fto give  remote access to a local device in their network, by VO support on request.  "Teamviewer" or other "like" software installed for remote log in use by VO support team. This secured access is only maintained on local PCs by the customer and will be requested by VO support team on a needs basis; customer to be vigilant as to any security issues with the installation of this software in their local devices. 

Customer is responsible for a current insurance policy; cover for types of potential risks to their data security, breaches of privacy laws, personal health information compromise and all other cybersecurity risks at the local device set up and other network arrangements in their control.

 Customer is to check that their Insurance covers any unauthorized access to the customer data via local devices including via another software co-installed on the same local PC as  the Visual Outcomes installation; and or as part of the customer clinic network/ remote access and such local user set-ups.


Ask Visual Outcomes for custom audit reports as to what protocols are being adhered to across users on local devices and the use of online portal VOiSite ; password change management.

Any adverse comments as to local devices and users?

Mac users and the set up of WOS 10 or higher on their MAC computers

- Visual Outcomes does not support the conversion software

see below FAQ (MAC users 2025)

Teaching clinics

- Students can drop tablets – a hard case needed.

- One comment heard by us from a teaching clinic supervisor, “..was far better to have a folding PC/laptop of 15" (bulk purchase order was made each cohort) and a “ small rental to ownership” agreement with students".

Other Comments?

Overall : 15” folding laptops the best option for all users

- Effective from private practice to clinical supervisors/ clinicians

- Can fold and use as a touch screen

- Can leave on small shelves;mobile sessions in treatment areas. 

- Can still use it on a desk for complex clinical viewing and recording notes 

Printers and Scanners

-  set up by customers on each PC

Bar code readers

-  ask VO help desk for current specifications

All other questions /clarifications?

Send email to

MAC USER FAQs  (January 2025)

Q: Does Visual Outcomes work on a MAC computer?

A: Visual Outcomes only runs as an application on a Windows Operating System (WOS)

There are some Visual Outcomes features and functions that can be accessed via the inbuilt web-based portal of Visual Outcomes.

These are accessed without a PC/WOS and can be accessed via any internet browser from any device.

However the application as a local installation for the user to access all the data/complete information,runs on a WOS. The application gives the user a a rich experience via the PC (WOS). This hallmark is that a professional and business role can be 'configured' and optimized in their Visual Outcomes application; requires the WOS. 

Q: What is the difference when I choose between a MAC computer and a personal Computer /PC?

A: It is often generally said the difference is about the different personal work profile of a person who uses a MAC and a person who likes a PC.

Generalizing, people like a MAC when they use fast moving visual graphics in their working day e.g., documenting of a creative composition as is seen with the processes of filmmakers, artists, web designers and the like. These people it seems will prefer the Apple computers (MAC).

And it is said that the people more involved in a office or business environment, prefer to have the information at their fingertips and want to see all the facts of transactional data from edits to audits; if working with more structured documents and data entry the person will prefer the PC (WOS).

So, if you are running a business, with financial or mathematical data queries, complex analyses or data driven decision-making requirements in your work, you want the precision of data collection and style of data entry found in a PC WOS application. 

Q: What should I do if I have a MAC computer and are now using Visual Outcomes?

A: Visual Outcomes is a healthcare data management platform (Windows Operating System based application)

 Visual Outcomes as a WOS application, is best installed on PC not on Mac

WE CAN ONLY MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS for MAC users installing a virtual WOS or such and can not support this option.

There are experiences/recommendations in many forums on the net to be searched.

Some links to review as to +/- of what /why and how of installing WOS on your MAC

Windows 10

Ask others in your industry as to successful WOS installation approaches for your MAC model. Visual Outcomes cannot give advice as to this approach. A local IT service company may take the role /responsibility to advise you, and you can see what is possible for this approach. 

All other questions, send email to

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